I have been using gumbits at the recent shows. Lombardi, who has usually a pretty dry mouth, started to chew the bit a little more. It's a great product.

I've always wanted to try GumBits and I was happy to find them in the gallops saddlery trailer at the event at Rebecca farm! I used them on my horse, Super Socks BCF, who tends to get cracks in the corners of his mouth due to dry mouth and also grinds his teeth, and be generally tense or explosive in dressage phase of events. I'm happy to report that he did great, and put his best dressage test to date and ended up winning the CIC***! There were a lot of contributing factors in his performance, but I was happy to have the GumBits on board keeping his mouth moist, and I didn't hear any teeth grinding either! Thanks again!

Augusta Iwasaki places third at Washington International with True Colors ridden for Forget Me Not Farm. "He was really really good today. With the GumBits he felt very calm, he wasn't looking at anything and felt very relaxed," Augusta said. Trainer Stefanie Mazer says, "it is very hard for a seven year old Pony to walk into an arena like that but the GumBits gave us the relaxing results we were looking for!"

I have been using GumBits for the past ten years because it helps keep my horses frothy in the mouth. A happy horse makes me happy!

I love using Gumbits for my horses! My horses look forward to their pre-show snack just before they enter the ring. Gumbits allows my horses to be supple and soft in the mouth, reducing any strain or pull against the bridle when I ride. I am thrilled that this horse treat increases my horses ride-ability and they look forward to eating it!

My name is Madison Nichter, I am a 22 year old Event rider that also competes at dressage and jumper shows as well. I have a OTTB that I plan to be taking to the 2016 Retired Racehorse Project TB Makeover and will be competing in the eventing and also the dressage. My OTTB is a major grinder and has trouble focusing but since giving him Gumbits he is much more supple and the grinding has stopped!

Faith Eventing's Show Horses never go a day without their special Gumbits! Many of our young off the track thoroughbred horses have struggled with grinding issues post-racing including our international FEI mare, Burned You Too. While in intense training, "Maggie", often struggles with grinding at the bit and staying tense through her body which makes it impeccably hard to do lateral work. Thanks to Gumbits, Maggie no longer grinds during our intense training sessions. Now she's soft and supple at the bit and is relaxed through her body through the promotion of salvation that Gumbits provides! Now, all of Faith Eventing’s show horses are given Gumbits pre-ride and the results are incredible! We are so grateful to have Gumbits a part of our Team and we have yet to see another comment from the dressage judges about grinding!

I use GumBits since many years. GumBits increases the feeling between my horses and me, especially with foals that accept better the bit. At each competitions GumBits is always with me. Riders! you have to try them!

I'm headed to Europe with my horse Dublet at the end of the month to compete for a spot on the Olympic Dressage Team! I'm taking tons of GumBits with me! He LOVES them! Great Product! Congrats!

My daughter shows on the Arabian circuit 13 & under western and hunter with her purebred gelding. We recently attended Regionals. They had 3 hunter classes and 3 western classes. 3 of the classes we used GumBits and 3 we didn't. Whether it was coincidence or just luck the 3 classes where GumBits were given prior to bridling she did amazing, the 3 classes where we forgot he was less than stellar. We will be using GumBits for all the classes from now one.

I showed him both 3rd and 4th level this past year. My horse’s name is Diesel VT. He is a 10 year old Hanoverian. What I love about GumBits is that it encourages the horses to chew the bit. Then they become softer in the contact. Again, thank you for sponsoring events!

Thank you so much for your generosity in sponsoring this year's AEC at Colorado Horse Park! This was our first national competition, and we look forward to many more. We love your product and your willingness to support our sport.
Kind regards,
Claudia Channing, Taylor Lindsten, Chestnut Oak's Drummer Boy
#242 Beginner Novice Horse, 5th Place, 2018 AEC

I've been using GumBits forever because I can feel the difference without them. My ponies are more tense feeling in their bodies. When they chew the GumBits they get more relaxed because they are focused on eating the GumBits, then they relax and breathe. I won over six big derbies this year including two years in a row at WEF. This year I won on Somekindofwonderful against 65 ponies! Fondly known as Ronald, he started taking off with me at the last jump, so I suppled the bit and he softened and relaxed to the finish for an 89. He was chewing the GumBits. At the 2017 Deeridge Derby in Wellington shown here with Goldhill's Arresting Charm, I scored a 90 in a pony frightening ring because of all the flags flapping in one of the most beautiful horse shows I've ever competed. Charm always looks in my pocket for GumBits before I mount. He also won the 2016 WEF Pony Derby for the Smalls. The only bad part with the chewing gum are all the sloppy kisses my ponies give me after they win.

Thank you so much GumBits for creating such an amazing product!

When first learning about GumBits, an all natural chewing gum for horses, I was immediately interested in trying them. GumBits promotes chewing activity, activates salivation, eliminates teeth grinding, and encourages submission. After a few rides it became clear just how much GumBits improved the horses performances, and as a bonus it couldn't be easier to use when schooling and at shows. GumBits is a wonderful noninvasive training tool perfect for not just dressage but every phase of eventing

At the beginning Christoph was not sure if it will work and if the horses will accept. Now he loves gumbits very much because it's a very good and natural alternative to Sugar we gave the horses before. Nearly all the horses love to eat it. It produces a nice foaming mouth and the horses feel absolutely fine with it.

I am very happy to see the results Gumbits has provided for my just started youngsters all the way to my competing international Grand Prix horses. I use Gumbits on a daily basis to help keep my horses happy in the connection and it works. They are quieter in the mouth while chewing softly. Thank you Gumbits.

So we tried the gumbits with two of our vaulting horses. Well what can I say , first impression is very positive we tried it in training in the morning as you said I mixed it with some feed and gave after putting bit in. Then we tried it for the Local show one of the horses was completely different, a very positive outcome. Dublin the horse I vault on was definitely more submissive and concentrated on his work, so we are very happy! GumBits is now part of our everyday program. Many other international teams are asking a lot about trying them too.

My ponies "The Gangsters" Al Capony and Bugsy Maloney love their Gumbits! They wait with great expectation as they get harnessed and ready for their bridles. I carry them with me, and right after warm up, and before going in the ring for their test, they get another taste. It's not easy doing a dressage test with two mouths to manage, and Gumbits helps them to relax, listen, and be happy with their job.

I am huge fan of Gumbits and I can honestly say my horses are too! I originally experimented with this fabulous product with a young and "mouthy" stallion that lacked confidence with the contact. Not only did the teeth grinding sounds disappear but his entire mouth became more relaxed and he began to salivate freely. Now I use Gumbits daily to encourage each of my horses to start their training session comfortably confidently in the connection. My horses have never been happier!

Gumbits are a "Must Have" in my stable!!! We give small handful before we put the bridle on daily and this produces a beautiful frothy mouth before I even get on!! It also helps quiet the horses that grind their teeth. This is a fabulous natural product and I love it!

This spring was my first encounter with Gum Bits and I am never turning back. I have an Irish sport horse gelding that competed at Jersey Fresh CCI3*, 2015 Pan American Games, and Galway Downs CCI3*. I have always found that he holds some tension in his jaw and to encourage the initial salivation during my dressage ride can take quite a bit of time during my warm-up. However, my first use of Gum Bits expedited this part of my warm-up exponentially. Since then, Gum Bits have been a daily training tool for my horses. It's because of this first hand experience that I firmly believe in the benefits of this product. I have since had the opportunity to share the benefits of this product to my clients and used it on my horses throughout competition and training

Gumbits have extremely made a difference in all my horses! It has really helped them relax in the jaw for a less tense test! Thanks to gumbits we got our personal best dressage score at NAYC this year in the CCI*! It also has helped my young thoroughbred from the very beginning of his training shine in the dressage ring but also being supple/relaxed in the jaw through turns in the jump ring! Another preliminary horse I was riding would always get locked in the jaw and we were pretty stuck and that’s when I heard first tried gumbits and it made such an impact that i started using it on all my horses.
Thank you for taking the time to reply and read my experience!

I have found GumBits to be such an simple, kind, and noninvasive solution to horses that get tense or grind their teeth. It's really a no-brainer, the horses love them and it solves the problem. I highly recommend them to everyone.

I tried GumBits on twelve of my horses before I finally agreed it works and makes a difference in my training and competition! I always use GumBits now as it definitely makes a positive difference.

Since I have been using GumBits I have noticed a significant difference in my horses acceptance of the bit while training, in return my horses have become more relaxed and willing resulting in a higher level of performance. Teeth grinding is no longer a problem for any of my horses, they look forward to their GumBits every day!

I use the GumBits to encourage the horses to salivate and relax the jaw. I find the horses like the taste of them. And I like how they go with the GumBits!

We tried GumBits on one of our three-year-olds in training which we're just starting in bridle work. He loved the taste, and then when we started working him we immediately noticed a difference in how quiet and happy he seemed with the bit in his mouth. It was quite profound!

For some time I get sponsored by GumBits , this is a kind of horses candy but also to use very fine horses with a difficult mouth or a sensitive mouth. I've tried it with several horses and I can the effect really makes the horses are calmer and softer in the mouth! The size of gumbits advantage is that the horses eat so super easy easy to use

How do we know that GumBits produce a product that eventers love? Because GumBits have quickly established themselves as an innovative, all natural product that some of our favorite eventers swear by," said USEA CEO Rob Burk. "We genuinely appreciate their continued support of U.S. Eventing. If you haven't had a chance to try out GumBits, pick some up.

"In combined driving the dressage phase is very important, but in the past our pony Harpo struggled with contact issues. This reflected in our scores and hurt our overall performance. The very first time we tried GumBits I noticed a change: he seemed much more willing to accept consistent contact and had less tension in his jaw. We now give him GumBits (which he loves!) before every drive, and his improvement in dressage has translated to all other areas of his training and has allowed us to not only move up to the challenging Intermediate Level but to look towards Advanced work as well."

I highly recommend using GumBits daily for a soft frothy mouth. I have noticed a big difference with how my horses take contact with the bit when I use my GumBits. My horses love the taste and they look for them before I put their bridles on. I highly recommend using GumBits daily for a happy horse.

I first gave GumBits to my three-star mount during a clinic and was amazed when he immediately lowered his head, flexed his jaw and began to foam. Nowadays, I will not show my horses or take them anywhere important without GumBits before their rides. Note the white foam, all thanks to GumBits after giving to my horse who had a tendency to get stiff in the jaw and rarely ever salivated in his dressage tests and at home.

GUMBITS are great! I have a young mare, "Butterfly Kisses" who was a terrible nervous teeth grinder until I started using GUMBITS. Within one month, she stopped grinding her teeth entirely, softly mouthing the bit instead. Within a few months, she improved enough to qualify and show at the inaugural USDF Nationals! I feed GUMBITS to every horse I ride before I bridle, from my training level horse to my old grand prix horse, and I see a difference in every one of them. They accept the bridle better, stay softer in my hands, and relax more as they play with the taste the GUMBITS leave. They all nicker at the sound of the bag of GUMBITS opening! A great training tool and a necessity at shows!

I am a dressage trainer in Southern California and I have a talented 7 year old doing the developing prix st. george classes. He is very hot, and can get very tense and grind his teeth. I tried every bit known, and the first ride using gumbits he stopped grinding and relaxed much quicker in the work. He instantly started reaching into the bridle. I was excited, so I used them on my 14 year old grand prix horse who can get a bit stuck in the neck, and very early in the walk he was chewing the bit more and more. I have had some of my best ride on both my horses since using GumBits. Super product! I am a firm believer now!!

I have a six year old showjumper who is very talented and confident about his job but has always had a big problem with grinding his teeth. Although he still performed well and many people said that it was nothing to worry about, just an annoying habit, I have been trying many different bits, bridles and different schooling to help him relax as I believe that he cannot be comfortable or relaxed when he is constantly grinding his teeth. None of the changes that I made helped him and I found it quite upsetting that I couldn't help a horse with such a lovely, genuine personality to control his stress levels.
I came across Gumbits at the Dublin Horse Show last year and was doubtfull that they would work as I had tried so many approaches with him but I have been amazed at the results. He is a horse that has never really liked a bit in his mouth, even though all that I use are soft plastic bits, and the stressing used to start as soon as I satarted to get him tacked up both at home and away, he would start violently shaking his head and get very unsettled and, as you can imagine, this made settling him in the ring very difficult. I now give him some Gumbits before I get any of his tack and he has relaxed so much that all of the stressing, head shaking and tooth grinding has stopped, he is also now incredably light and soft in his mouth.

I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely love the GumBits product. GumBits have been an absolute godsend to my hot-headed and tense Holsteiner.
We regularly struggle with the dressage phase in eventing, but have noticed significant improvements since using GumBits. I have noticed improvements in his ability and readiness to salivate, as well as less of locked/tense jaw. Dressage is now fun instead of a fight!

After years of trying various things to encourage some more salivation in my mare, we came across Gumbits online recently. I contacted shereen who was excellent with her overview of the product and put me in contact with our local distributors. What can I say, not only does my mare love them but we now have lots of salivation. Heading towards her Prix St Georges debut, I can say absolutely Gumbits will always be part of our day to day training and competition must haves.

I won a bag of GumBits at the American Eventing Championship this year and I wanted to thank you for your kind donation of prizes. I have been using them with my Thoroughbred for a year now, and absolutely love your product. GumBits work very well at softening his mouth and minimizing his teeth grinding. I appreciate your support for the sport of Eventing!

I am a 22 year old event rider based in North Carolina and Massachusetts. I have 2 horses, RubyRoc, a 10 year old, Irish sport horse mare competing at the preliminary level, and Palmetto Rio a 5 year old, an OTTB gelding competing at the novice level and about to move up. I just wanted to write to you and let you know how much I LOVE Gumbits. Rio had started grinding his teeth this winter and I did everything: ulcer treatment, teeth floating, different bits, a looser noseband, and the only thing that made it stop was Gumbits. I swear by them. He loves the taste and doesn't grind his teeth anymore and is more content in the bridle

Gumbits are amazing! Used this weekend at a show- my horse never grabbed the bit. All of my rounds were great! Thank you for this wonderful product. Will always have them in my grooming box.

I am an equine veterinarian in Ocala, FL and I have been using GumBits for 7 years on my grand prix dressage arabian mare. I broke and trained her myself, and about the time we started competing FEI she began to grind her teeth. Of course, I explored every medical and training option with no change. I found GumBits online and decided to give it a try. My mare has completely stopped grinding and has a happy mouth during training and competition. I have never seen any negative side effects and I continue to recommend them to friends and clients. I would be happy as a veterinarian and competitor to give my testimonial if you want. Thanks and feel free to contact me.

I just wanted to say a big thank you! I got some GumBits from Horse Health over here in the UK and it has helped all three of my horses loads! They are going with me to every show from now on! My intermediate horse sometimes gets a bit tense and won't soften and mouth up until 10 minutes int a ride, she has lovely white lipstick within 5 minutes of having GumBits! The same happened with my other mare who sticks her tongue out at the beginning of each ride, she had lovely white foam and no tongue out! My big great novice in UK Prelim in US terms who gets tense and spooky and doesn't tend to mouth up much at all at any time has white foam on his legs and chest, he was so soft and accepting having had the GumBits. He has never had that much foam and been that soft and I am completely in love with your product, hook, line and sinker! Thank you so much for the help!

Good afternoon, I'm a French dressage young rider, I'm eighteen and I'm based in Deauville. I really enjoy your creation. In 2015 I was a member of the French team for the nation cup in the CDIJ of Saumur and I was reserve rider for the European championship in vidauban. I arrived first in 7 competitions during the year. This year I'm doing young rider international competitions to integrate the French team and to participate at the Europeans in Oliva Nova in July. I have been selected to show at the CDI*** of Saumur and at the CDI5* of compiegne where I obtained the best French performance.I obtained the bronze medal during the french championships. I arrived 4th and 5th at the CDIYR** in Paris. I will be honored to represent your products during international competition. I'm already sponsored by Porsche, samshield, Voltaire design saddlery and hoffsteiner who help me to be at the highest level I can.

When first purchasing a older horse who ground his teeth, I was in search of something to help him stop. I came across GumBits and had to buy some. He now after a few years of use doesn't grind his teeth anymore and I am sure it is because of the GumBits. Also riding many young event horses now they tend to be very nervous and I have found that it helps with nervousness too. From my hunters, to jumpers, to eventers all of my horses love GumBits and don't ever go a ride without them. For the horses who grind their teeth and have dry mouth it helps a lot, also they are all natural! So glad I found GumBits.

We have been using GumBits for over a year and our gaining great success. In October our team member Isabella Spillantini won First Place at Italian National Championships, 2* Junior, Female 2017! We are so proud and our coach Michela Callegari and of course our horse Dublin. We love it!

I love Gumbits because they made my pony Shamrock so happy and soft in my hand. And I love the way they taste too!

I love GumBits because my pony Farmore State of the Art loves GumBits. GumBits helps him stay focused and relaxed when he goes into the show ring. GumBits allows him to become more responsive to my aids so we can get the job done as team!

Fine By Me loves his GumBits he gets every ride and especially makes a difference at the shows. We like the GumBits because the ponies chew and become softer in the bridle and more willing to stretch out over the jumps.

My pony is LOVING the Gumbits!! He now happily marches in the ring with ears up and a happy face because he knows he is getting gumbits! I am definitely going to have to be a regular customer. I really think they are helping him.

Naomi Clark first started using GumBits about a year ago at a National Derby held in the evening under stadium lights. "My Pony's name is Poppy and he can be very spook especially in the dark. He was more focused on the GumBits instead of the jumps so he didn't spook, and that helped me feel less nervous!!" Paparazzi placed that evening in a class of 25 mainly horses. He continued on to place at US Collecting Gaits Farm Pony Finals 2017 sixteenth over fences and seventeenth overall of 180 ponies in her division.

I met Shereen of GumBits some years ago when she started bringing her daughter to WEF to Pony Island. I noticed that she always gave her daughter's ponies GumBits. I remember her saying it creates salivation. I sent one of my students in the show ring, and her Pony started coughing during the round and pulling the little girl out of the tack. We had another round or two to go, so I immediately grabbed Shereen and asked for the GumBits. I couldn't believe the next round was so much better and the Pony quit coughing during the jumping round. I then used back at my farm on some younger ponies in training that were nervous, and I'm amazed at how relaxed they became chewing on the GumBits.